Holy Trinity Catholic Church

Doing Life Together as God's Family

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Welcome to Holy Trinity Catholic Church! We are delighted to have you visit our online home. Whether you're a longtime member of our parish or a first-time visitor, we warmly invite you to explore our community, join in our worship, and grow in faith with us. Discover upcoming events, connect with our ministries, and learn more about our mission to serve God and our neighbours. Thank you for being here—your presence enriches our faith journey. Welcome!

The Trinity (Andrei Rublev)

About the Holy Trinity Icon: This icon depicts the story of Abraham receiving three visitors while he camps by the oak of Mamre. He serves them a meal, and as the conversation progresses, it becomes clear he is speaking with God, suggesting the visitors are a metaphor for the Trinity. In Rublev's painting, three gold-winged figures sit around a white table with a golden, chalice-like bowl containing a roasted lamb. In the background, there is a house in the top left, a tree in the center, and a rocky hill in the upper right. The composition forms a circle around the table, drawing attention to the bowl at the center, reminiscent of a Communion altar. This image shows three angels under Abraham's tree, but it also visually represents the Trinity, depicting the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit from left to right.

Encounter Jesus

At Holy Trinity, we believe Jesus changes everything. Wherever you are on your journey, we invite you to join us.